If knitting or crochet is your thing why not go along to a knit club? These are drop-in groups held in a public place and are usually very friendly and good fun. The people there will probably be more than happy to remind you of how to knit and sort out your project if you hit difficulties!
I go to the Monday night one at the Yew Tree in Malin Bridge Bridge and we are always happy to give any basic knitting/crochet advice, teach beginners, and usually have a stash of wool and knitting needles in case anyone turns up empty handed!
N.b. it would be a good idea to check the groups listed below are running before turning up – I have found most of this info on the web and don’t know how current it is.
S13 Community Crafts - Woodhouse Library. Mondays 10.30am-12.30pm. 0114 269 2607
S9 Darnall Craft Group - Darnall and District Community Centre, Darnall Road S9 5AF. Mondays 10am-2pm. Contact: grandyann@hotmail.com
S1 Benjamin Huntsman Wetherspoon's pub (next to John Lewis), Mondays 8-10 pm, weekly
S3 Harlequin pub, 108 Nursery Street, (upstairs) last Monday of the month (except December) from 6-10pm.
S6 Knit and Natter Yew Tree Inn, Malin Bridge Bridge (Upstairs bar) 1st and 3rd Monday of the month 8-10pm.
S10 Craft Angels, Crosspool, S10 5NH, S10 5NH. 1st Tuesday in the month. £5 for tea, cake and chat. Tel 0114 2667339
S10 Broomhill Library - Craft Group. Every Tuesday and Wednesday- unsure of time.
S36 Knitting Group at Stocksbridge Library Tuesday 1.30 – 3 pm (Tel: 0114 273 4205)
S17 Totley Library Craft Group - Totley Library, 205 Baslow Rd. S17 4DT. Tuesday 2-4pm. totley.library@sheffield.gov.uk
S11 Psalter tavern knit club, 7-10pm every Tuesday.S11 Porter Brook Ecclesall Road, 7-9pm ish, sometimes later, every Tuesday. Katie Weston 07745529597
S7 Robin Hood pub at Millhouses (Abbeydale Road) Tuesday (Fortnightly) 7.30pm
S11 Hulleys coffee shop at Banner Cross on Tuesday evenings
S3 Sheffield Knitters - Premier Inn Bar/Restaurant, 19 Angel Street, S3 8LN. Wednesday 11am - 1pm. Contact: sheffieldknitters@gmail.com
S10 Stitch in Time - Sheffield Jesus Centre, 93 Broomspring Lane, S10 2SB. Wednesday 11am -1pm. lois.herring.mja@googlemail.com
S10 Pins N Needles Commonside every Wednesday at 2pm. Admission is £1 and includes refreshments.
S20 Waterthorpe Craft Group - Thorpe Green Meeting Room, 1 Thorpe Green, S20 7HA. Wed 1-3pm. Contact: Jean Carter, 247 3916
S10 Broomhill Library - Craft Group. Every Tuesday and Wednesday- 10.30-12pm. Contact: 273 4276.
S12 Christ Church Craft Group - Sheffield Road S12 4LR, every Wednesday 1-3pm. Contact: June Fox: 248 9894, junefox@cchackenthorpe.wanadoo.co.uk
S1 John Lewis restaurant - evening, last Wednesday in the month
S1 Starbucks, Orchard Square from 10.00 am meeting in the upstairs seating area (not sure how frequent).
S20 Crystal Peaks Peaks Knit n natter - every Thursday 10.00am-12.00pm the Art Space Crystal Peaks Library.
S20 Beighton Knit n natter - every Thursday 10.00am-12.00pm at the Lifestyle Centre, High Street, Beighton.
S10 St.Mary's Church Hall, South Rd, Walkley Knit & Natter, Thursdays, 12.30 - 2.30 pm.
S13 Handsworth Craft Group - Handsworth Parish Centre, Handsworth Road, S13 9BZ . Thursdays 1-3pm. Contact: 269 2537
S10 Pins N Needles Commonside every Thursday at 2pm. Admission is £1 and includes refreshments.
S2 S2 Knitting Circle - Every Thursday at 4pm. Learn For Life Enterprise, 241 - 243 London Road, S2 4NF - 243 London Road, S2 4NF. Entry £1 tel: 01142559080 hayley@learnforlifeenterprise.com
S1 Sheffield Knitpickers, Bear and Bungalows, Division St in town 1st Thurs of the month 4.30- 8pm
S11 Cocoa Lounge 462 Ecclesall Road - Last Thursday of the Month 7.30 - 10pm
S2 Heely City Farm Starting on Thursday 16th Feb 2012 6pm - 9pm in The Farm Kitchen Cafe, will meet every two weeks thereafter.
S9 Crafty Crafters Darnall Library Darnall, Friday Mornings
S10 Craft Angels, Crosspool, S10 5NH, S10 5NH 10.30am till noon. Tel 0114 2667339 (not sure if there is a charge)
S13 Woodhouse Knitting group: Salvation Army Citadel, Tannery Street, Woodhouse. 9-11am every Friday. Contact details: 07789 110280
S36 Stocksbridge Knit & Chat, Downstairs room of Stocksbridge Library, Manchester Road. Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month 10am till noon.
S1 Sheffield Knitting & Crochet Guild 1st Saturday every month 2pm URC, Chapel Walk (elizabeth.dimbleby@gmail.com)
S10 Pins N Needles - Commonside every second Sunday of the month at 2pm. £1 (includes refreshments).
S11 Wool Baa – Hunters Bar, 7pm - 9.30pm, last Wednesday in the month
…….and there may be more that I am unaware of!
Check out the knitting group on the Sheffield forum (http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=74) or the Sheffield Knitters group on Ravelry (www.ravelry.com) [which is where I got most of this info!] for more up to date notices. There are also some listings in http://www.sheffieldhelpyourself.org.uk/
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